Returns & Exchange


If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase we will provide a full refund (minus shipping charges), or exchange the item for a different size, colour, style if preferred. To return any unwanted items for either exchange or refund simply login into your account on the site.

Under Distance Selling Regulations, you have a legal right to cancel your order and receive a full refund. If you do not want to keep the item(s), please notify us within 7 working days after receiving your order. 

To return your item(s), complete the following steps;

1. Log into your 'My Virsa Account' with your email address and password

2. Click on 'My merchandise returns'

3. Select the order reference from the item you wish to return

4. Select the item(s) that you wish to return by clicking the box next to its name

5. Add explanation in order for Virsa Menswear to understand why you want to return the item(s)

6. Click on 'Make an RMA slip'

7. Return your item(s) to 26 Neild St, Oldham, Lancashire, OL8 1QG

Items returned must be in perfect condition, unworn and in their original packaging with any related accessories, instructions booklets, labels, protective covers, leaflets or boxes. Upon receipt of your item(s), and subject to inspection by our Quality Service Department, we will proceed with the return.

Refunds are usually processed on the day that the product/s are received back to us. Once your return is received and processed you can expect your refund within 5 business days (and no longer than a total of 15 business days) from the day you provide the shipper with the product depending on your service provider policy.

Please note:

  • The item is your responsibility until it reaches us. For your own protection, we recommend that you send the parcel using a delivery service that insures you for the value of the goods.
  • The cost of returning the item to us is your responsibility.
  • We do not offer any refunds on products purchased within our store. These items can only be exchanged or a credit note can be claimed to be used for a later date.



Virsa Menswear will exchange any item that does not bring you full satisfaction, within 7 days after delivery. 

Items returned must be in perfect condition, unworn and in their original packaging with any related accessories, instructions booklets, labels, protective covers, leaflets or boxes. Upon receipt of your item(s), and subject to inspection by our Quality Service Department, we will proceed with the exchange.

In order to proceed with the exchange, the returned item(s) must be placed in their original packaging with a copy of the invoice attached. 


If the item you received is faulty, please login into My Virsa from here you can send a message to our customer services with any problems or queries you may have with your order, this must be done immediately. We will then advice on how to proceed with the return. You have 7 days from receipt of the faulty item to return it to us. We reserve the right to suspend any refund(s) due until the faulty item has been returned to the manufacturer for inspection.


If the item you received is not what you originally ordered, please login into your account on the site, from here you can send a message to our customer services with any problems or queries you may have with your order. We will then advice on how to proceed with the return. You have 7 days from receipt of the item to contact us regarding the matter

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